Friday, July 1, 2016

REGINA ASKIA Responds to Facebook Rant.

Regina Askia a veteran actress and  New York city based medical practitioner, recently reacts to a Facebook rant, she says ''Why is that when people read a post shared, instead of making intelligent comments they start looking for Regina? It is either they are short on constructive partnership or they are looking for their 15 minutes of notoriety. This makes my "page weeding" easier because I will immediately hit the block button. Only reason I share post is to read other people's point of view. I expect heated exchange of ideas for or against the topic.But those noise makers who have nothing to offer who come here to display a sorry lack of intellect and breeding, who reveal their lack of home training by insulting others please just quietly pass by. These pages are for educated individuals with self control who know the meaning of decorum and who have something tangible to say. The new breed of Nigerians. Let's us share ideas, agree , disagree, agree to disagree shake hands and keep it moving. I will continue to share posts that will shock you, arrest you, make you laugh, cry, think, vent ( intelligently), start a movement, change things. Thank you and Welcome to MY WALL!!!'' view more photos after the cut..

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