By Ubon Marcus
My attention has just been drawn to a testimony shared by a family in a particular church yesterday and I thought it wise to share it with you.
The Story:
Just last week, a teenage girl who is an undergraduate of the University of Uyo went missing. She actually went for night class and did not return the following day. Initially, the parents thought she stayed back in school with a friend in the hostel like she sometimes did and did not bother to check on her since her line was off.
After about 48 hours, their curiosity knew no bounds and they paid a visit to the hostel only to find out from the friend that the girl in question left the school that evening and did not stay for the night class. Tempers flared, tension set in, and the police was contacted. Arrests were made and interrogations conducted yet no clue as to her whereabout. The family now went spiritual, consulted their pastor and prayers began in earnest. Some days after, the man of God told them he had a revelation about the girl and that she would come home safely. Prayers continued, the Police did their job.
Days later, the poor girl came home looking so dishevelled and worn out.
Her story:
According to the girl, she left school that evening and entered a keke along Ikpa road which had another woman inside. As soon as she stepped in, she became stupid and just sat there till the keke rider drove them to an unknown destination. When they got there, they were put in a building that had other people also captured and asked to lie face down. It was there she regained herself, struggled, and was beaten up. Finally, she and the other woman were overpowered and tied down. Days passed and she noticed that their captors would pick the captives one by one each day and such people would never come back.
The Rescue:
According to her, a certain man came there and recognised her. He asked her some questions and claimed to know her ancestry in Calabar. He said he knew her grandmother who is somehow related to him and was good to him some years back and as such, would do no harm to her due to some traditional beliefs. (Ayeyen or iman). Apparently he was the boss over there so he set her free. In tears, she left the woman whom she was captured with and was later dropped along Oron road.
A remarkable aspect of her testimony which you should learn from is the advice the man gave to her before setting her loose. According to her, he asked her to always observe a keke rider before stepping into the keke. If he ties any red clothing on his arm or wears a funny looking handband or displays some kind of object inside the keke don't enter as that is the juju which knocks people into subconsciousness for them to execute their act.
Thank God this particular girl was rescued. Who knows what happened to the rest?
Lessons to be learnt:
1) Be very careful. When I say be careful, I mean be careful as if your life depends on it. Do not take things for granted.
2) Pray without ceasing. Pray before going out, pray while you are out, pray every moment. Sprinkle the blood of Jesus everywhere: in your house, on the road, on the keke rider, on other passengers, inside the keke, infact carry some in your handbag or pocket trousers, incase you need it anytime.
3) Don't be too busy. Call your loved ones always. Bug their lines. Know where they are everytime and who they are with. A background check on the people your children or family members associate with may also be helpful.
4) Don't keep late nights. Evil lurks at night.
5) Any other thing you feel can make you safer.
God help us.
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