Thursday, July 21, 2016

12 signs your girlfriend is not a serious person

Sometimes, they don’t want to be direct so as to spare feelings and be that nice girl they were taught to be. You don’t expect her to tell you directly that she doesn’t like you or she’s not that into you.

If you feel a twinge of doubt regarding how serious your girlfriend is, these signs may help clear your mind.
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1. When she never makes time for you: If your girlfriend is serious about you, she would make time for you, no matter how tight her schedule is. We all have things keeping us busy but if a woman likes a man, she will find a way to carve out time for him, no matter how little.

2. When she keeps giving flimsy excuses why she can’t see you: When you really like someone, you’ll want to be with them all the time. If your girlfriend is always giving excuses why you can’t hangout or why she can’t come to your house, she’s not serious.

3. When you send her a message and hours later she hasn’t replied: You know women love their phones. They are always with their phones doing God knows what. If she takes eternity to reply your messages, she’s not serious about you. Period.
4. When you’re always sending her recharge card but she never calls you: You have entered ‘one chance’. Have you asked yourself who she’s calling with the recharge card? This is a case of ‘monkey dey work, bamboo dey chop’.
5. When it’s been one week and she hasn’t bothered to check up on you: Don’t buy the ‘I’ve been busy excuse’. There are 24 hours in a day and each of those hours has 60 minutes. Every single one of those minutes has 60 seconds. How many seconds does it take to type a simple message or even call?
6. When all she does is demand and collect: Some women will keep collecting and collecting, asking for favours without reciprocating. If you find yourself always giving and never getting anything in return from her, just know she’s not a serious somebody.
7. When she has no respect for your feelings: If your girlfriend is constantly doing things that show she doesn’t respect the way you feel, it is time for you to have a rethink about her seriousness.
8. When she never agrees to cook you: We know she’s not your maid and you haven’t paid her bride price but cooking for you once in a while shouldn’t be a big deal if she’s really serious about you.
9. When you talk about marriage and she tells you it’s still too early: When will be the right time to talk about marriage? Is it when she final gathers up the courage to tell you she’s not interested in you?
10. When she doesn’t support you: Does she show up when you need someone there? Does she show interest in the things that concern you? What’s the use of being with someone who won’t support you or be there for you when you need them?
11. When she refuses to introduce you to her family and friends: If her family and friends have no clue about your existence, you’re on a long thing. If she’s serious about you, she won’t hesitate to introduce you to her family and friends.
12. When she just lies in bed like log of wood and let’s you do all the work: It’s either she doesn’t know what to do or she cannot be bothered about pleasing you. She may be emotionally disconnected from you, so why bother to do anything to satisfy you.

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