Saturday, August 27, 2016


To commemorate #WomensEqualityDay, here's a look at some celebs' powerful quotes on feminism
"I do believe in equality. Why do you have to choose what type of woman you are? Why do you have to label yourself anything? I'm just a woman, and I love being a woman." (2013)

"Every time there's interesting, complex roles played by actresses on screen, someone says, 'Do you think this is a breakthrough?' and, 'Does this mean there's going to be more of the same?' We seem to find ourselves in the same conversation and that's somehow remarkable....I think there's a swathe of great roles for women and certainly, there's some wonderful female performers. It's just time to get on with it really." (2015)

"I've been a card-carrying, radical feminist since I was 19. Most women who I would want to listen to wouldn't have any problem at all with the word feminist. t's bizarre. Any woman who says they're not a feminist is basically saying that they don't believe in equal rights for women..."Any woman who says, 'I hate my bum, I hate my body,' is essentially expressing a kind of misogyny. All women who come up with that need to think very carefully about what it is they're saying. Including me!" (2015)

"The one thing I do believe as a feminist is that in order for us to have gender equality we have to stop making it a girl fight and we have to stop being so interested in seeing girls trying to tear each other down; it has to be more about cheering each other on as women. So many girls out there say ‘I'm not a feminist' because they think it means something angry or disgruntled or complaining. They picture like rioting and picketing, it is not that at all, it just simply means that you believe that women and men should have equal rights and opportunities. To say you're not a feminist means that you think men should have more rights and opportunities than women." (2014)

"All men should be feminists. If men care about women's rights, the world will be a better place. We are better off when women are empowered. It leads to a better society." (2013)

"I used to not really understand what that word meant, and now that I do, it just means that I love myself as a female and I also love men. I am a strong woman. Hear me roar!" (2014)

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